Linggo, Abril 28, 2013

The Mango Graham Cake Challenge

First of all, I wanna greet my baby, Happy 4th month baby Allodia!

So, because there's a reason to celebrate, my hubby and I decided to make a Sponge cake or most commonly known as Graham cake for my baby. My hubby was the who bought all the ingredients and it cost us for about 160php. 
Here's the list of our ingredients:
2 packs of Graham crackers (200 g)
2 packs of all-purpose cream (250 ml)
1 can of condensed milk (380 g)
4 mangoes

When I was about to start making the graham cake, my hubby started to tease me, like he said that I don't really know how to make a graham cake. He even told me that I will just waste the ingredients and that made my ego go bursting! So, I challenge him in a Mango Graham Cake Challenge! He'll make his own version and I'll make one too. Our judge is our very own little girl, Meganne.

Since we have a 4 months old baby, we have to make the cake one at a time. He was the first one to make his Graham cake. I don't know what exactly he did because I didn't watch him while doing his cake. After 10 mins, he's done with his cake and it's my turn to show my skills!

Here's how I made my Mango Graham Cake:
1.) Mix one pack of all-purpose cream and condensed milk in a clean container.
2.) Cover the bottom of a square or rectangle container or Tupperware with one layer of Graham cracker.
3.) Spread some mixed cream and condensed milk evenly to the layer.
4.) Add sliced mango.
5.) Spread again some mixed cream and condensed milk.
6.) Then add another layer of Graham crackers and spread the rest of mixed cream and condensed milk.
7.) Crushed 4 to 5 graham crackers and put it on the of the top. (I've made it as a lettering of my daughter's         name)
8.) Freeze it for two or more hours and served chilled. :)

My Graham cake with my Allodia.

My Graham Cake- it taste sweet, just enough for a sweet tooth like me!
His Graham Cake- I can say that he made it just for himself. It's creamy and slightly sour(because of the mangoes) but overall, it's delicious. :)

To end this "duel", Meganne liked my Graham cake more than her dad's cake. She ate almost half of it and she actually demands for more but I have to stopped her because she might not eat dinner anymore. 

For overall, I've enjoyed making this way more than eating our finish product. Its not just delicious but it's also a form of family bonding. And I'm happy that we did this. :)

*(this is a late post)


Huwebes, Abril 18, 2013

i wanna move on..

Just a minute ago, I was browsing my friend's page in facebook and I've realized that it seems that I was really stuck in my past. I wasn't over yet with my past and I feel like I have so many things to do but, i'm not doing anything to patch things up..
My wrong decisions in my past keep taunting me right now...
I should have finish my studies even if I got pregnant before..
I should have started to work even if he(my husband) disagrees with it..
I should have listen to my mom.

But now that the damage is done..What else can I do??

I'm so confuse right now, that I do not know what to think anymore..
If only there's a way to get back to my past, so I can redo everything and I can make things right..

I really wanna move on..
Please God, help me to move on...

Miyerkules, Abril 17, 2013

As my hair grows..

Recently, there have been a lot of changes and bad things that had happened to my life.
I can share some of it here and some bad memories will be remain untold.
And because of this things, I became so depress, insecure and not happy anymore in my life.
It's like I'm still living but not existing anymore..

Just like my hair, I feel very ugly right now.
I feel like I've been torn into pieces,like my hair that has split-ends.
My life seems to be dull and lifeless, just like my hair..

So, I decided to bring back my life. My courage, my dreams, my humor... Everything that I had before!..
And as I start this journey of finding my old and new self, I've decided to cut my hair short. Very short, that I look like a boy. And as my hair grows, I should also mature. As my hair grows inch by inch, I will compose my self, one level at a time. As my hair grows, I will find more reasons to live. And as my hair grows, I will be bring back to life.

And I hope to be with you in this journey. As my hair grows..