Martes, Hulyo 2, 2013

J. Pops baby donuts for Allodia's 6th month!

For the past few weeks, I've been super curious about J. Co Donuts. I'm a donuts lover ever since I was in college, but I've been just an avid fan of Dunkin Donuts. Why Dunkin Donuts? Well, its cheaper before like I mean you can have it for just 10 pesos each. 

But for my Allodia's 6th month celebration, J. Co's J. Pops baby donuts ang bida!

Ate Meganne is more excited than my baby Allodia

Ate Meganne! That's for Allodia!

I chose to buy J. Pops since its our first time to try J. Co and we have no idea what flavor is delicious.

It has 16 flavors. Avocado dicaprio is my favorite!

Meganne's favorite! Caviar Strawberry!

I think she really found it so cute, that she didn't want to eat it!

Allodia just grabbed my Avocado dicaprio! 

Meganne really loves pink!

Crunchy crunchy for mommy and Heaven Berry for Ate. :)

I also love this Tiramisu baby donut!

For overall, I think their not so usual flavors are just right for their price. Actually, after munching on our very first J. Co experience, we actually wanted to buy again right away!   

2 komento:

  1. happy 6th months old to Allodia.. 6 months to go and 1 year bday party na.
